Author: admin.mendota

"It's the kind of disaster you get trained for but never think will happen". A message Melissa Grimes, the Mendota Health Community Engagement Director for Indianapolis, Indiana, texted to her team at 3 AM the morning of March 15th.Just hours earlier a tornado ripped through...

Introduction Treating hard-to-heal wounds is a complex process that involves shared decision-making from the patient, caregivers, and treatment team.  In treating complex wounds that have stalled and are labeled hard to heal, the medical team must consider ethical principles when making patient care decisions.  Medical ethics are...

Patient Overview 68 year old male with comorbidities of daily smoker, pre-diabetes, gout, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia who developed a deep pressure injury wound on his left heel that had been present for 4 weeks and another wound on his right 5th toe. pressure injury treatment Debridement, UltraMIST, skin...

Introducing Dr. Dennis Deruelle, Mendota Health's Chief Medical Officer "He was an old school doctor in the best way, revered by his patients, adored and loved".   Dr. Dennis Deruelle's love for medicine began in the waiting room of his godfather's clinic. As a young kid, Deruelle saw...

Classification, Assessment, and Treatment Pressure ulcers, are a common concern in healthcare settings, especially among patients with limited mobility or those confined to bed for extended periods. Among the various classifications of pressure ulcers, "unstageable" ulcers pose a unique challenge for healthcare professionals.  debridement Debridement is used to manage...

Wounds are a part of life, from minor cuts and scrapes to surgical incisions and more significant injuries. While our bodies are designed to heal wounds naturally, there's always a risk of infection. When an infection takes hold in a wound, it can lead to...

Wound dehiscence is a challenging postoperative complication where the edges of a surgical incision or wound separate, leading to delayed healing and potential complications. Let’s delve into wound dehiscence, and address common questions surrounding its occurrence, appearance, treatment options, healing process, nursing management, and the...

Healthcare has been constantly evolving to meet the ever-changing needs of individuals and communities. One transformative trend is the integration of healthcare services into people's homes. By bringing healthcare to their doorstep, we can effectively tackle the root causes of health disparities and address the...

In the United States, a silent epidemic lurks within the healthcare system - wounds and chronic wounds. Despite being a prevalent issue, it often goes unnoticed, overshadowed by more well-known health concerns. Wounds, particularly chronic wounds, contribute significantly to hospital readmissions, burdening patients and the...