Referring a patient for mobile advanced wound care is fast and simple. Just use the below checklist and make a referral through our online patient referral portal to get a patient the wound care they need.
required documentation
We only need a few pieces of required documentation to start processing a referral.
Patient demographic information
Primary and Secondary insurance information
Copies of insurance cards are extremely helpful
Past 3 weeks of documentation of:
Wound measurements
Wound treatment history
helpful documentation
This information is extremely helpful and allows our team to more efficiently process the referral.
Wound photos
Applicable labs for last 3 months (If diabetic most recent HbA1c)
History and Physical
Post surgical wounds: order for Mendota health to evaluate and treate.*
Any previous ABI/Vascular/Imaging
*Surgical wounds created in the last 90 days must have an order from the surgeon approving Mendota Health to evaluate and treat due to a 90-day global period.