10 Million People Suffer From Chronic Wounds

10 Million People Suffer From Chronic Wounds


Chronic wounds are an epidemic. I think you’d be surprised to learn that almost 10 million Americans suffer from chronic non-healing wounds and they’re often very painful. These open, draining sores- ulcers in the bottom of your feet that put you at risk for amputation and death. It’s a major problem and it’s very costly.

A recent article estimates that chronic wounds account for $100 billion in Medicare expenditures every year. Almost 10 million Americans suffer. That’s 10 times the incidence of cancer and yet we know about cancers, we hear about them. We don’t hear about chronic wounds. Mendota Health is changing that. We have our specialized wound care nurse practitioners meeting the patient where the patient wants to be seen: In their home setting. And where the patient has the best opportunity to heal. We’re going to make a big difference in this very important space.